Results for 'Richard Michael Buck'

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  1. The Logic of Political Constructivism.Richard Michael Buck - 2000 - Dissertation, University of Kansas
    My project in the dissertation is to develop a constructivist account of the normative structure of political or civil obligations. The first part of the dissertation focuses on Kant's moral and political constructivism respectively. In chapter two I argue that Kant's account of the normativity of moral obligations is rooted in the idea of moral community which is an objective end that is built into the structure of our practical reasoning. Moral obligations are justified for Kant because they reflect our (...)
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  2. Karl Marx’s Exuberant Praise Of Capitalism.Richard Michael McDonough - 2021 - The Postil Magazine.
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  3. Karl Popper’s Critical Rationalism And The Notion Of An “Open Society”.Richard Michael McDonough - forthcoming - The Postil Magazine.
  4. Popper’s Argument against Spengler’s “Historicism”.Richard Michael McDonough - forthcoming - Oswald Spengler Society Journal.
    § I presents a detailed version of “Popper’s Basic Argument.” § 2 shows why Marx’s theory of historical development is a paradigm case of the kind of “historicism” that is refuted by Popper’s argument. § 3 explains the crucial difference between Marx’s and Spengler’s respective theories that makes the former but not the latter fall to Popper’s criticism. § 4 argues that the inapplicability of Popper’s argument to Spengler’s type of theory is obvious from the beginning.
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  5. Thomas Merton (1915–1968) Trappist monk, mystic, writer, scholar of comparative religion.Richard Michael McDonough - 2021 - Online Dictionary of Intercultural Philosophy.
    Biographical account of Thomas Merton who was one of the leading Christian spiritual leaders of the 20th century. He authored more than 60 books and many reviews and essays primarily on spirituality, social justice and pacifism. His autobiographical account of his spiritual journey in The Seven Story Mountain proved immensely inspirational to many and is listed as one of the 100 best non-fiction books of the 20th century by the National Review. In later life, Merton engaged in dialogue with major (...)
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  6. Marxism as a Disguised Epimenides Liar Paradox and false consciousnes.Richard Michael McDonough - forthcoming - Future Journal of Social Science and Humanities:75-93.
    One of Marx‘s and Engels‘ main claims (hereafter ―original Marxism) in their account of the historical ―inevitability of the collapse of capitalism is that one‘s material (economic) conditions, not one‘s ideas, arguments or philosophy, determines one‘s ―consciousness and actions. However, the self-reference in this characterization of philosophical views generates a paradox analogous to the 7th century B.C. Epimenides ―Liar paradox. The Epimenides-paradox arises when Epimenides, a Cretan, states that all Cretans are liars. Epimenides-statement is paradoxical in the sense that if (...)
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    Notes from the (Korean) Underground: Bong Joon Ho's Parasite.Richard Michael McDonough - forthcoming - In Parasite: A Philosophical Exploration On the film Parasite by Bong Joon-Ho (2019). Leiden:
    Parasite is best seen in existential rather than moral terms. It does not issue in moral, social or economic judgements. The film describes, or perhaps portrays, the dreamlike mode of fantasy “existence” the “underground” people in a society so rigidly stratified that communication with people on the other side of the societal “lines” is literally impossible, inevitably resulting in the destruction, real or metaphorical, of everyone on both sides of those lines.
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  8. Same-Sex Marriage and Equality … Again.Richard Michael McDonough - forthcoming - Humanities Bulletin 3 (2).
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  9. Moby-Dick, the philosophy of.Richard Michael McDonough - 2020 - Online Dictionary of Intercultural Philosophy.
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  10. Timaeus (Plato).Richard Michael McDonough - 2020 - Online Dictionary of Intercultural Philosophy.
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  11. Hartshorne, Charles, American philosopher (1897-2000).Richard Michael McDonough - 2020 - Online Dictionary of Intercultural Philosophy.
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  12. Borges, Jorge Luis (1899–1986) and the “Borges Paradox”.Richard Michael McDonough - 2020 - Online Dictionary of Intercultural Philosophy.
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  13. Abraham Maslow, Humanistic Psychologist (1908-1970).Richard Michael McDonough - unknown
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    John Rawls: The path to a theory of justice.Michael A. Richards - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (2):71-74.
  15. Ideology and argument construction in contract law.Richard Michael Fischl - 2019 - In Emilios Christodoulidis, Ruth Dukes & Marco Goldoni (eds.), Research handbook on critical legal theory. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
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  16. Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894-1963).Richard Michael McDonough - 2021 - Online Dictionary of Intercultural Philosophy.
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    Charles Hartshorne (1897–2000).Richard Michael McDonough - 2020 - Online Dictionary of Intercultural Philosophy.
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  18. Bahm, Archie, American Philosopher [1907-1996].Richard Michael McDonough - 2020 - Online Dictionary of Intercultural Philosophy.
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    Margaret Mead (1901-1978).Richard Michael McDonough - 2020 - Online Dictionary of Intercultural Philosophy.
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  20. Spengler, Oswald (German historian and philosopher).Richard Michael McDonough - 2020 - Online Dictionary of Intercultural Philosophy.
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    Forging New Political Identities in the Shanty Towns of Durban, South Africa.Richard Michael Pithouse - 2018 - Historical Materialism 26 (2):178-197.
    This contribution offers some observations with regard to political identities in a popular movement largely based in the shantytowns of Durban, South Africa. It seeks to examine, via more than a decade of immersion and research, one instance of how popular organisation and mobilisation have been mediated through shifting political identities. It argues that if discourse professionals on the left are to become effective actors it will be necessary to take popular political identities a lot more seriously, and to enable (...)
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  22. Albert Camus (1913-1960) French-Algerian Writer and Existentialist Philosopher.Richard Michael McDonough - 2020 - Online Dictionary of Intercultural Philosophy.
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    “The Cosmology of Cognitive Science from Hesiod, Socrates, and Plato to Wittgenstein”.Richard Michael McDonough - 2020 - Athens Journal of Humanities and Arts 7:1-30.
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  24. The Dark Side of Heidegger's "Authenticity Philosophy". A Spenglerian Model.Richard Michael McDonough - 2020 - Oswald Spengler Online Journal 1.
    § I describes Heidegger’s account of authenticity in BT. § II describes Spengler’s account of Dasein as the being of plants.4 § III argues that Heidegger holds that authentic Dasein is rooted in a Volk as a plant is rooted in its soil. § IV shows that Heidegger’s post-Being and Time authenticity consists in embracing the plant-like dream, expressed in “primordial poetry,” of one’s Volk. § V replies to a textual objection.
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  25. The “Mystical” Phenomenology of the “Life-World” in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus.Richard Michael McDonough - 2021 - Meta Research in Hermeneutics Phenomenology and Practical Philosophy.
    Scholars have often struggled with the notion of mysticism in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus-logico-philosophicus (TLP). The paper develops a taxonomy of the multiple species of mysticism in TLP in order to show that its notion of the mystical actually has a complex hierarchial structure. A key notion in TLP’s account is its neglected notion of the “life-world” (5.621), specifically, that realm in which the “mystical” “shows itself [zeigt sich]”. A comparison is made with Heidegger’s notion in Being and Time of the fundamental (...)
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    Efficiency and its discontents.Richard Michael Fischl - 2018 - Jurisprudence 9 (2):408-412.
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  27. Parasite: A Philosophical Exploration On the film Parasite by Bong Joon-Ho (2019).Richard Michael McDonough (ed.) - forthcoming - Leiden:
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  28. Faw, Bill, 83 Flach, Rudiger, 620.Nicolas Franck, Gisa Aschersleben, Talis Bachmann, Simona F. Baracaia, Barbara H. Basden, David R. Basden, R. P. Behrendt, Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, Richard A. Bryant & Alfred Buck - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12:784-785.
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  29. Dennis C. Rasmussen: The Infidel and the Professor:. [REVIEW]Richard Michael McDonough - forthcoming - The Newsletter of the Global Studies Center of Gulf University for Science and Technology.
    Dennis C. Rasmussen has produced an excellent account of “the greatest of all philosophical friendships” between two of the great thinkers of the underappreciated “Scottish Enlightenment”, Adam Smith, Chair of Moral Philosophy at the University of Glasgow, and, in his The Wealth of Nations, often seen as the founder of capitalism and creator of the modern science of economics, and David Hume, who never became an academic but who took “British Empiricism” to its logical sceptical conclusion and is often seen (...)
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  30. Spengler, Wittgenstein and the Emergence of Language and Thought.Richard Michael McDonough - forthcoming - Oswald Spengler Online Journal.
    This paper discusses Wittgenstein’s striking remark at para. 608 of Zettel, hereafter Z608, which, according to most commentators, suggests that the order of language and thought might arise out of physical chaos or nothingness at the neural center of normal language users. In opposition to this orthodox interpretation, the present paper argues that Z608, following Spengler, who is himself influenced by Goethe and Nietzsche, is actually suggesting that the order in language and thought might arise out of the creative chaos (...)
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  31. Emergentism.Richard Michael McDonough - 2020 - Online Dictionary of Intercultural Philosophy.
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  32. Eliade, Mircea (1907-1986), Romanian historian of religion and philosopher.Richard Michael McDonough - 2020 - Online Dictionary of Intercultural Philosophy.
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  33. Kant's Emergence: Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Mind.Richard Michael McDonough - 2019
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    The Conceptual Roots of Mathematics. An essay on the philosophy of mathematics By J. R. Lucas, Routledge, London, 2000, 452 pp. [REVIEW]Richard Michaels Stefanik - 2001 - Philosophy 76 (2):312-327.
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    Amparo Gómez Rodríguez and Antonio Fco. Canales Serrano , Ciencia y fascismo: La ciencia española de posguerra. Barcelona: Laertes, 2009. Pp. 358. ISBN 978-84-7584-657-6. €19.50. [REVIEW]Michael Richards - 2011 - British Journal for the History of Science 44 (1):148-149.
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    The Life of Sir Thomas More by Thomas Stapleton, in the translation of Philip E. Hallett. Edited & annotated by E. F-. Reynolds, London. Burns & Oates.1966. 206 pp. 15a. [REVIEW]Michael Richards - 1968 - Moreana 5 (1):64-65.
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    Analyses of Middle Helladic Skeletal Material from Aspis, Argos, 2. Stable Isotope Analysis of Human Remains.Sevi Triantaphyllou, Michael P. Richards, Gilles Touchais, Anna Philippa-Touchais & Sofia Voutsaki - 2006 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 130 (2):627-637.
    Cet article présente les résultats de l'analyse d'isotopes stables du carbone et de l'azote pratiquée sur des échantillons d'ossements humains issus des fouilles de l'habitat mésohelladique de l'Aspis. L'objectif de l'analyse est de reconstituer le régime alimentaire des habitants de l'Aspis et d'étudier les variations de régime entre des sous-groupes de population définis par des critères d'âge et de sexe et/ou de statut social. Sept échantillons ont été prélevés, dont quatre seulement ont fourni suffisamment de collagène pour être analysés. Les (...)
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    (1 other version)Cosmic consciousness: a study in the evolution of the human mind.Richard Maurice Bucke - 1901 - New York: Causeway Books. Edited by Thomas Biggs Harned & Horace Traubel.
    2010 Reprint of 1905 edition.This work is the magnum opus of Bucke's career, a project that he researched and wrote over many years. In it, Bucke described his own experience, that of contemporaries, and the experiences and outlook of historical figures including Buddha, Jesus, Paul, Plotinus, Muhammad, Dante, Francis Bacon, and William Blake. Bucke developed a theory involving three stages in the development of consciousness: the simple consciousness of animals; the self-consciousness of the mass of humanity ; and cosmic consciousness (...)
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  39. Cosmic Consciousness.Richard Maurice Bucke - 1932 - Philosophical Review 41:96.
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    Sincerity and Reconciliation in Public Reason.Richard M. Buck - 2001 - Social Philosophy Today 17:21-35.
    In Political Liberalism and the essay "The Idea of Public Reason Revisited" John Rawls argues that citizens must refrain from introducing sectarian values intopolitical debate over fundamental political questions unless the positions they are endorsing can be supported by public reasons. I will argue that this duty allows for a more limited use of non-public ideas and values than is suggested in Rawls's discussion. ln addition, I will argue that reconciliation between citizens and the reinvigoration of free exchange and debate (...)
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    Why Deliberative Democracy?Richard M. Buck - 2007 - Contemporary Political Theory 6 (1):125-127.
  42. (2 other versions)Cosmic consciousness.Richard Maurice Bucke - 1923 - New York,: E. P. Dutton & company.
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  43. Towards a philosophy of academic publishing.Michael A. Peters, Petar Jandrić, Ruth Irwin, Kirsten Locke, Nesta Devine, Richard Heraud, Andrew Gibbons, Tina Besley, Jayne White, Daniella Forster, Liz Jackson, Elizabeth Grierson, Carl Mika, Georgina Stewart, Marek Tesar, Susanne Brighouse, Sonja Arndt, George Lazaroiu, Ramona Mihaila, Catherine Legg & Leon Benade - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (14):1401-1425.
    This article is concerned with developing a philosophical approach to a number of significant changes to academic publishing, and specifically the global journal knowledge system wrought by a range of new digital technologies that herald the third age of the journal as an electronic, interactive and mixed-media form of scientific communication. The paper emerges from an Editors' Collective, a small New Zealand-based organisation comprised of editors and reviewers of academic journals mostly in the fields of education and philosophy. The paper (...)
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    Perception of motion affects language processing.Michael P. Kaschak, Carol J. Madden, David J. Therriault, Richard H. Yaxley, Mark Aveyard, Adrienne A. Blanchard & Rolf A. Zwaan - 2005 - Cognition 94 (3):B79-B89.
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    Religion, identity, and political legitimacy: Toward democratic inclusion.Richard M. Buck - 2008 - Journal of Social Philosophy 39 (3):340-358.
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    Beyond Retribution.Richard M. Buck - 2004 - Social Philosophy Today 20:67-80.
    The very nature of terrorism and the context in which it typically occurs make responding to it much more complicated, morally speaking, than responding to conventional military attacks. Two points are particularly important here: (1) terrorism often arises in the midst of conflicts that can only be resolved at the negotiating table; (2) responses to terrorist acts almost always present significant risks to the lives and well-being of noncombatants. The history of the Israel-Palestinian conflict suggests that its resolution will only (...)
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    Ordinal position effects with a two-dimensional stimulus array.Robert K. Young & Richard E. Buck - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (1):161.
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    A Qualitative Approach to Responsible Conduct of Research Training Development: Identification of Metacognitive Strategies.Michael D. Mumford, Elaine S. Godfrey, Sydney T. Sevier, Richard T. Marcy & Vykinta Kligyte - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (1):33-39.
    Although Responsible Conduct of Research training is common in the sciences, the effectiveness of RCR training is open to question. Three key factors appear to be particularly important in ensuring the effectiveness of ethics education programs: educational efforts should be tied to day-to-day practices in the field, educational efforts should provide strategies for working through the ethical problems people are likely to encounter in day-to-day practice, and educational efforts should be embedded in a broader program of on-going career development efforts. (...)
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  49. Man's Moral Nature. An Essay.Richard Maurice Bucke - 1880 - Mind 5 (20):559-562.
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    Retention of visual and name codes of single letters.Michael I. Posner, Stephen J. Boies, William H. Eichelman & Richard L. Taylor - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (1p2):1.
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